The inside of the data center concrete and steel used to be marked by a blue or red light funky, sort of thing you would expect to find on the set of Star Wars movies. The colors are there Digital Marketing Agencies Sheffield to reflect a futuristic feel, but its carbon footprint data center can be more like something from the industrial era. They should all be green color – powered continuing to ensure that the hosting website / digital services and powerful computing does not have a detrimental effect on our climate.

Way back in 2008, Smart 2020 report published by the Group on Climate and GeSI revealed that in 2002 the global trace Data Center, including the use of equipment and carbon contained (aka carbon footprint), is 76 Metric Tons of CO2 – estimated to be more than three fold 2020-259 Metric Tons of CO2, making it the fastest growing contributor to the carbon footprint of the IT sector. More recent data show that the estimates of 12 years ago are conservative at best, and today we know the amount of energy needed to power our data center growth doubles every four years!

It’s not easy being green

Whenever anyone asks about ‘going green’, the response is always something like “I do a little”, but when it comes to commercial enterprises, it is no longer acceptable in the eyes of customers doing the minimum. The Company is empowered to think green on a larger scale and when it comes to one of the largest power consumption of any business, the hosting server. Now it is important to actively consideration will solve the climate crisis by choosing to host efficiently. However, most firms own admission, going green is not the number one factor when it comes to the co-location of servers or run high-performance computing (HPC) tasks in the cloud.

“The energy consumption of data centers is set to account for 3.2% of total carbon emissions worldwide in 2025 and they could consume no less than a fifth of global electricity!” (Climate News, 2017)

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Green Data Center to face an exciting future, often located in cold climates such as the Nordics with renewable energy sources and electricity are usually cheaper. But the fundamental factors remain for any business to consider colocation or high-performance computing in the cloud infrastructure is a server performance, latency, how cheap it is to run and how to be safe. For some, their green credentials will be some way down the list, no matter how good it might make the company concerned look into the wider world.

Obviously decisions made about where and how a company stores its data have a great impact on the sustainability of an organization’s measurable. But it is quite revealing how many companies remain aware of their carbon footprint real server. In a 2018 survey of executives in the Nordics, the area is widely associated with the green policy proactively, it was found that although sustainability is the fastest rising factor driving business decision-makers, 60% do not know the physical location of their data. Data locations such ignorance is also the reason that it can no longer be used if a company wants to play a role in a sustainable future.


So, what are the main challenges that organizations have when choosing the right server location, whether it’s rent server space for computing needs grow or computationally intensive use of high performance computing technology? Cost / benefit analysis will be conducted and a full lock to work out the PUE efficiency. These figures Digital Marketing Company in Sheffield for power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a ratio that illustrates how efficiently a computer data center energy use; Specifically, how much energy is used by the computing equipment, in contrast to cooling and other costs. A good leader is a low PUE numbers, usually for efficient data center, it is approximately 1.1 to 1.4.

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