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Is your Facebook marketing campaign successful? No matter how sneaky you write social scripts you are or how much money you throw into the social media advertising, it may not be enough to draw up a massive following.

A common reason why many businesses fail in Facebook marketing is that they do not know their audience demographics.

If you can not afford a specialist social media, there are other tools that help to identify your audience. But Facebook makes it easy to define your market by offering insight.

Read Also:- For successful online marketing what you need?

Why do you have to struggle to reach everyone when you can target your specific audience? Here’s how to use Facebook insights to target demographics and creating successful ads and post.

The best way to identify your market with insight is to see who has followed or engage with your brand on Facebook.

You have two options:

Your entire Facebook audience
The users currently connected to your page
Facebook your entire audience, including people who have interaction with your brand. This includes new followers and past customers.

Your users are connected, including spectators who have followed the brand you for a long time and have a strong engagement with your posts and ads.

You can also create a custom audience by filtering out other options, such as email subscribers.

This is useful see all the insights and compare them.

For example, say you have a company in the UK and the local audience you are between the ages of 18 and 25.

But when you examine the entire audience insight, you see that you are getting some new followers from the United States between the ages of 18 and 25.

With this information, you can research the US market and adjusting advertising and posting to your new followers.

You may have many different customers ranging in age, interests, location, and gender. Even niche companies can still experience a surge of customers with different demographics.

The best method is to measure this analysis and target ads to each group. You can easily use Facebook insights research for this task.

When you are on Facebook insights tab, you see the graph on the right side of your screen.

This graph shows the number of viewers per demographic. In fact, there is a graph comparing your audience to the entire audience up.

You can click on each category to see different charts. different demographic categories on the left side of your screen.

Here are the different categories:

the place
You can also view the advanced category. These include:

Relationship status
Level of education
Title of work
types of employees (eg, freelance entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs)
cultural groups
Parents (and ages of their children)
People who move
People who start a new job
This information helps target your audience and give you a better understanding of how they can relate to your business. You can use it to reach your audience with the words and the specific ad.

With the same tool, you can see how your audience is engaging with your brand. This is important for many reasons; certain audiences are more likely to be involved, such as with likes and comments, more than other members.

Here are different types of engagement you can see:

Top category (or main interest of your audience members)
-people like page
Activities (such as commenting on a post)
You can view these metrics and basing your Facebook Digital Marketing Companies Southampton marketing campaign of this information.

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