Digital marketing may look deceptively simple. If you create an attractive website, and provide useful Digital Marketing Agencies in Newcastle services and products, you are sure to succeed online right? Wrong. Unfortunately, an effective digital marketing strategies require a complex combination of inbound and outbound. Perhaps the best digital marketing campaign is a holistic blend of public relations, brand management, market analysis, communication and sales.

Avoid the common mistake of digital marketing is the key to bringing all of these marketing channels together in harmony. If you avoid these mistakes, you will generate more traffic, more conversions and more income.

5 digital marketing mistake you need to make a stop

Read Also:- For successful online marketing what you need?

  1. Ignore mobile users
    One of the most basic marketing mistake you can make is to ignore the plots of your potential audience. If your website can not be accessed by mobile users, you do it. Everyone has a cell phone in their pocket, and most of us use it for our products and services are interested. 50% of users said that, even if they like the brand, they are using them less frequently browse if their site is not mobile-friendly.

The bottom line is, if your website is not optimized for mobile users, you significantly harm your chances for success online.

  1. Do not make the most of your blog
    Blog is a digital marketing channels are often ignored. All too often, marketing manager failed to demonstrate the value when they divert internal resources to produce a blog. This is usually because, when a team is busy generating blog in-house, they are not necessarily optimized for SEO or UX. Failing to update your blog consistently is critical error, so it is worth outsourcing the management to an agency blog.

Simply put, blogs increase traffic. Business blogs have 97% more inbound links and, as a result, more traffic. Blogs are also an effective way for you to answer questions of general users, create compelling content and position yourself as a thought leader in your field. Encouraging users to comment on your blog and create a direct dialogue with your customers. You can also integrate your blog posts with social media, with the share quotations throughout your social channels. This is a sure-fire way to improve your engagement and click-throughs.

  1. Ignoring social media
    Social media is an effective and inexpensive way to interact with your customers. There is no good reason for your business to be absent from social media. Using social media effectively is the best way to engage your audience, increase brand exposure and position your brand in a relevant online community. When used properly, social paid is also likely to give a very positive ROI.
  2. promotions and discounts overusing
    It may seem counter-intuitive, but overusing sale can make your brand less attractive to users. If you put your products or services are sold too often, it reduces their value. Using promotional too often can disincentivise users from ever pay full price for your offer.

Ultimately, customer satisfaction with products and services is also a lower discount. This may be because the customer considering the low prices they paid and questioned the product as a result. The way to avoid this is to simply hold the sale when there is a very good reason to do so, for example Black Friday.

  1. Do not use email marketing
    Many marketing managers make the mistake of assuming that email marketing is dead. But this fact, email marketing ROI has always delivered high average compared to other methods. If your email marketing efforts have previously failed, you need to check your methods or outsourcing channel Digital Marketing Company Stafford for an email marketing expert.

Our experts are helping clients make the most of their digital marketing channels. Get in touch to find out how.

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