In local SEO, SEO, The Digital Marketing Blog by Marcos MartinJune 6, Leave Comments

Do you have a local business? If so, then you may use the Google My Business (if you do not, stop what you Digital Marketing Company in Bournemouth are doing and go claim your business)!

You may have created your own account, add the details of your business, your location is verified, waiting patiently for a verification code to arrive and add it to the platform and that’s it, you’re on Google My Business. Very nice. Well not quite …!

Google is constantly changing their guidelines, adding new options to the platform and change the options or interface (Thanks Google …). Thus, you should never stay static and waiting for them to catch your changes. Instead, you have to be proactive and learn how to adapt to Google’s tools.

Google My Business is no different. In fact, Google Business I have some very useful information and insights that you can use to your advantage. In this post, I will talk about some of the insights that you can find on your dashboard.

Business insight with Google My Business
To find insight into your business, sign in to Google My Business and access your dashboard.

You will see a screen like the one below. From there, click Insights on the left menu or the insight to see the box at the bottom of the page listing and you can start reviewing your insight.

Google Buisness my Interface

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Once you have entered the Insights section you will find metrics and the graph below:

Search Query
Google Business Search Query

What is Tell You?
This is strange for Google to offer any keyword information for free but in this case, the first thing we see on Google My Business Insights. Here, you can see the most popular queries for your business.

You can identify queries that users are using in Google Search and Google Maps to find your business listing. Remember that GMB is to show users, no sessions or visits to the site.

Key Takeaway
Keyword information is always useful to know how your business is perceived by the search engines and what it shows for the term.

You can use this information to create focused content, Google Posts or targeted ads. You can also identify any questions that you may have missed out on the website or any synonym, allows for content optimization opportunities.

Storing this information can also be useful to compare how the local list to do and what changes have the most impact on it.

You can also identify if your business do better in local results than the traditional organic results. You can position your business listing to redeem competitive terms that are difficult to reach with only the blue link.

How to Find Customers For Your Business:
Business Google search I How Customers

What is Tell You?
Section shows this number of times your Google My Business has been found by the user, comparing searches directly (when users search for your business name or address), search Discovery (when the user has found you using keywords such as product or service) and Branded searches (when users search for related brands).

Like many other parts of the Insights Dashboard, you can view data for one week, one month or one quarter, but you can not go beyond that date.

Key Takeaway
Have a high percentage of direct search is a good indicator of the popularity and prestige of your brand compared with other competitors. However, you should be careful when analyzing this metric, because it has a low percentage of search discovery could also mean that optimizing your Google listing is not as strong as it should be.

Be sure to complete all fields of the Google Business I offer you, review the on-page optimization of your site and Digital Marketing Companies in Bournemouth try to get some additional reviews on Google. Each of these can help you to get more visibility for your listing.

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