At the Crossroads Between Rules of Marketing and Google

Optimizing images for a website, in short, how to adjust the image size by policy Google Web page loading speed. However, in order to maintain the image quality and the same applies to Digital Marketing Agencies in Nottingham and users, the format required.

In addition to the quality of text, image is another factor required of each quality of communication with the user. Though the marketing experts often stress that it is better to stick to the living word, the image is something that stays in the memory, sometimes leave much of an effect greater than the noise.

However, the marketing rules is one thing, and quite another Google rules. Free website, more precisely, the speed load the content on it, it is very important for SEO. The slower the content on this website is loaded, no matter how attractive it is, users / readers may not be open.

website speed depends not only on the size of the image but also in web hosting. For example, by making MySQL hosting accounts on some of the many plans that show tested and recommended, your website will be placed on a server optimized speed. In this way, you will avoid delays that affect page load SEO ranking and even impact the bounce rate and conversion rate.

Google Optimization Policy

Users of social networks and new internet generation has greatly sharpen the senses for quality and timeless content. All marketing policy user-friendly, but all of Google’s policy is user-friendly, too. You guessed it, no one in line with your own rules. So … as much as you picture it makes sense from an aesthetic standpoint and educational point of view, maybe you should not put it on your blog, because of its size, for example, as many as 600 kb. What does this mean now?

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Image Credit: Google Image

This means that if you have a lot of pictures, it is very likely that the performance of the website will be uninterrupted. And Google does not like it. So a lot of pictures -> slow loading site -> Google angry.

In case you are trying to please Google and doing things like reducing the image format, and image quality loss and blurred, we have the following situation: you resize an image -> image blur -> Google angry.

This frustration can be solved, but with proven tactics and support of specific programs.

Image Optimization – Benefits

Almost a quarter of the website “heavy” consists of drawings, more precisely, 21%. Furthermore, the image makes 68% of the size of the web page that is sent to your phone. This should mean that the first thing you need to do is optimize the image. It’s not a difficult job at all, but ironically, the most time spent on the part of the SEO process.

The benefits of image optimization are:

● Improving page load speed

● The visibility in search engine results. large images slow down web sites, and Google hates slow sites

● faster creation of backups

● Reduce the time loading image

● Reduce space on your server. Great pictures require more server space, which costs more. And as far as we have seen, Google is not happy with either large photos.

Formatting, What Is It?

The main purpose of image formats is to find a balance between image size and quality was acceptable. You can do this in Adobe Photoshop or through the WordPress plugins, some of which we will mention a little later.

Two basic things to consider is the type of compression and file format you use. By choosing the right Digital Marketing Companies Nottingham combination of file formats and compression types, you can reduce the size of the image as much as 5 times. You definitely need to experiment with each image format to see what gives the most and the best results.