In this post, we’ll show you how to increase the visibility of your local SEO Local Business Scheme by adding your Digital Marketing Agencies Sheffield site to Google Tag Manager.

You will learn how to make a notation JSON-LD that contains important details about your local business, including business name, business hours, phone numbers and location maps. Then you would add them to your contact page using HTML tags in GTM.

Finally, you will publish Tag GTM to verify your contact page and Google can view using Google Structured Data Testing Tool. If that sounds technical and complicated, do not worry, this is a victory for faster and easier than it sounds.

If you are a complete beginner GTM and found this little an exaggeration, we suggest you read this post first two and come back when you’re ready:

Read Also:- Soon Apple may launch a search engine like Google!

What is Google Tag Manager?
How To Install Google Tag Manager?
Adding Local Business Scheme allows the machine to read and display key information about your business marketing to users in search results. This can lead to more inquiries and a higher click-through rates to your site for the search engine results pages (SERPs). GTM do so by accelerating the delivery of the entire project and greatly reduces the need for developers.

What Markup Scheme?
Markup scheme is a way of adding machine readable information with your content. It is used by search Digital Marketing Company Sheffield engines to get a detailed understanding of your content. Use microdata markup scheme for ‘notate’ information into HTML markup which can then be read by the search engines.

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