Founded by Nick and Louise of love for the quality of tea, they pride ourselves on providing the best cuppa while staying sustainable, ethically aware and environmentally conscious.

Teapigs holds high quality and ethics in their core, which is what distinguishes them from other tea company. In 2019, they had a turnover of £ 11m and profit of £ 4m, which Digital Marketing Agencies Southampton just goes to show that it pays to do the right thing. they are great green credentials; Teapigs is a certified B-Corp, which means they have been found to meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance. They are also the first tea company to be awarded free plastic cap of A Plastic Planet, as the packaging they are completely free of conventional plastics. As if that was not enough, they are also a member of the Ethical Tea Partnership, continues to tea tasting day to donate profits to charity and support communities around the world. Phew!

Teapigs and Social Media
No wonder big Teapigs in social media. They are mainly active in three major platforms – let’s take a closer look:

Facebook: Like 50k, 50k followers

Twitter: 45k followers

Instagram: 60.5k followers

Teapigs very good at social media. They post their main platform to regularly, has a great approach to the management of the community and, most importantly, manage to grow and maintain a new audience effectively. But how do they do it?

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Environmentea-lly stay Friendly
When a brand is doing well, it makes sense to shout about it on social media. Teapigs, though not perfect, is forging ahead with their eco-friendly efforts. In connection with the packaging, the temple of their tea, bag inside and outside packaging are all compostable or suitable for the collection of food waste.

climate change and the environment is a big topic that is always current and relevant. brand their appeal to people who not only love tea, but also want to do their bit to help preserve this planet – which is why it’s entering the social media content they like a good idea.

environmental sustainability and the content they done in two ways. First, they spend time educating their followers on how ethical the products and their packaging by featuring them on all three platforms. Secondly, they are great to encourage their audiences to become more environmentally friendly, and think about their lifestyle choices currently manufacture. They regularly remind people how they can get rid of the tea temple Teapigs after they are finished with. They also spread awareness by promoting national day related to the environment Digital Marketing Company Southampton and linking to a blog post with tips for living green.

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